Friday, 1 April 2016

It all started with this moth

This is the moth that I spotted in South Africa in 2009 and I was amazed and enthralled with it. I had never seen such a beautiful specimen and my perception of moths changed. No longer did I think of them as drab grey, brown or tawny creatures of little interest.  However, it took another two or three years to rediscover my interest in them. At the time I didn't know the name of this moth, but have subsequently discovered that it is called a Sundowner Moth or Sphingomorpha chlorea in 'polite, educated company'.

Sundowner Moth

Evening 20 Feb 2016, Midrand, Johannesburg

When I was back in South Africa in Feb 2016 I once again saw one of these moths at the same venue I had seen it before. I was running a moth trap hoping to catch it and members of its family but it was not attracted to the light. Instead, I discovered it is more attached to sugar, beer, and other things with aroma. This link at African Moths gives more information. It was a delightful rediscovery and most rewarding to close the circle on where the journey began.

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